
Folk måste helt ärligt sluta skriva indirekt om andra. Om du har ett problem med någon så ta det med personen i fråga. Jag vet inte vad för nytta ni får ut av att snacka skit "bakom andras rygg" via internet. Det är lätt att vara en person och våga säga saker på internet men sakerna ni säger där ska kunna sägas face to face också vet ni. Mina kommentarer är snälla på internet jämfört med hur de kan vara i verkliga livet, jag tonar alltid ner det på internet om jag nu ska hålla på och tjafsa. Att vara "värre" för att du sitter bakom en datorskärm är fegt, tänk på det!

Och ja, det här är skrivet indirekt till alla er som sitter och gör så här! Om någon känner sig träffad så kan ni väl säga till så tar vi det här IRL eller? :)

vi är inte sådana som i slutet får varandra

Some obsessions aren't exactly healthy..

Jag vet att jag lovade att jag inte skulle lägga upp massa GIF-bilder, men ja.

Tittade på TVD idag. Nytt avsnitt och allt. Jag ville bara gråta. VARFÖR är inte Stefan & Elena tillbaka tillsammans än? VARFÖR? Det är därför jag tittar på den här scenen och gråter för det är deras vändpunkt tror jag. Ja.


Fick skäll idag för att jag bloggar så tråkigt, så jag ska väl försöka göra det roligare. Hur roligt ni nu tycker att mitt liv är..

Kom nyss hem ifrån my home away from home, red Orlanda idag så det var kul!
Annars så tänkte jag plugga franska nu. You know, love life. Blä, hatar franska.. Är inte så sugen på att ha prov imorgon. Bryr mig liksom inte så mycket om jag kan skriva ett brev och söka brevvänner på franska eller inte. Men vissa saker måste göras ändå. Det här är väl tyvärr en sådan sak.. Ja. Så jag tänker lyssna på massa musik trots att jag borde stänga av datorn. Men ni vet, om jag ändå ska göra någonting tråkigt så kan jag väl göra det roligt eller något sådant. Men ja, nu ska jag gå ner med kläderna i källaren och sen ska jag plugga franska. Åh så roligt!



when your friend and her parents are having a fight and they don't have a dog so you just stand there like;

Dear young me!

Dear 8 year old me.

I know that you think that your life sucks. It doesn't.
It really doesn't. You'll see later.
I know that you think that it's hard now. I get it, it is.
You just need to realize one thing; it's not your fault.
Don't blame yourself for the divorce. You can't do anything about it. Trust me, you will hate your parents for it a lot but it is good in the end. I promise! Don't be afraid to cry, it will only hurt you more in the end to keep them in. I know that too.. But you need to stop beating yourself over it! And please, don't blame your parents either. They were never meant to be together and their happiness is important to you, you just don't realize it right now. You will hate your moms new apartment. It will feel like your not home and you will cry yourself to sleep. But you will accept it sooner or later. 

Your life will change. Big times. You don't know it yet, but you will have two of the best friends in the world in just a month or two. Maybe you've already found them? They will make you laugh, they will make you happy and they will make you fearless and carefree! You will need them in your life. They will stick by your side even though you will feel so bad inside that you're being a bitch to them. They will stick through everything! You will find a third best friend in three years too! It's a horse. You already know him but you hate him. There won't be a single horse from your life right now left. It's sad but it's true.. But you will fall in love with this wonderful horse and you will cry so much over him. There will be blood, sweat and tears but it will be worth it in the end. It truly will be. 

You will be going through a rough time but you need to be happy with yourself. You can't be mean against your friends because you feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. They only mean well. And you weight won't matter. You don't need to care about that! You don't need to skip meals because it hurts too much when they tell you that you're skinny. You really don't. It will only cause trouble in the future.. 

Your life will be great! You will meet new friends and you will be content with life. Then you will be 11 years old and your best friend will move away. You can still meet her but you guys won't be talking as much. You're gonna be sad about it, and you're gonna be mad. When you're 12 you will get into a huge fight with your other best friend. It will tear you apart, but you two will need it. You won't lose each other forever, trust me!
You will find two new, really good friends. They will mean so much to you along with this horse. Oh, and your dad will meet somebody new. Your hopes will be shattered to the ground, but then you will meet her and you will see the gleam in your dads eye and you will be so happy for him! You will find another horse too. You will be so happy. You don't understand really..

You will meet another horse later too. You will call her 'my heart' because she will be so important to you. You won't dare to tell people that you love her because you will feel like a traitor. You're not. Absolutely not!
You will start intermediate school and you will realize that you need to grow up. You will. You will make two best friends. You will be as happy as anybody can be with life. Then somebody will collect your confidence, your self esteem, your hopes and your life and just shatter them. Yeah, the horse you fell in love with two years earlier will be taken away from you. You will hurt so much and you won't be sure if you can walk through life without him. You will be able to do it, so don't hurt yourself. If not for others, do it for yourself.

Then you will start 8th class and you will start to feel alive again.. One of your two best friends will be your rock. She will listen to all of your stupid problems, your insecurities, your complaints, your weird stories and she will check on you every now and then and just ask you how you are doing. She will be really good for you! You will make some great friends in school and you won't feel the need to cry every day anymore. You will be fine. You know that you will be fine.. I know that you will be fine!

You won't be perfect along the way, you won't stay true to yourself all the time, you won't be yourself, you won't feel secure about yourself at all and you won't smile all the time. But you know what? It's okay. Because I know you 7 years from now. And you know what? That girl doesn't love herself, she isn't perfect, she isn't herself all the time and she is broken. But she is you, and that makes me sure that she will be great!

I'm not telling you not to mess up, because you will, I'm just telling you to live your life because it will all be okay in the end!


Dear person I hate, you probably can't help your stupidity.
Dear person I like, why are you so sweet?
Dear ex bestfriend, sometimes I miss you. Then I realize we ended our friendship for a reason.
Dear bestfriend, thank you for always listening to me, my pointless ranting and respecting my obsessions. For accepting me for who I am.
Dear anyone, you are beautiful!
Dear Santa, can you please bring me somebody that will love me next year?
Dear mom, I might say that I hate you but I don't.
Dear dad, thank you for not losing your patience with me.
Dear future me, stay strong and never give up.
Dear past me, never start to lose yourself or your confidence. It's hard as hell to get it back.
Dear person I’m jealous of, be happy.
Dear person I had a crush on, I don't anymore.
Dear person I hate, you probably can't help your stupidity.
Dear person I like, why are you so sweet?
Dear ex bestfriend, sometimes I miss you. Then I realize we ended our friendship for a reason.
Dear bestfriend, thank you for always listening to me, my pointless ranting and respecting my obsessions. For accepting me for who I am.
Dear anyone, you are beautiful!
Dear Santa, can you please bring me somebody that will love me next year?
Dear mom, I might say that I hate you but I don't.
Dear dad, thank you for not losing your patience with me.
Dear future me, stay strong and never give up.
Dear past me, never start to lose yourself or your confidence. It's hard as hell to get it back.
Dear person I’m jealous of, be happy.
Dear person I had a crush on, I don't anymore.


And when you're fifteen, don't forget to look before you fall..


15 om en vecka, haha..

mina hjärtan

this isn't giving up, this is letting go. There must be some other way out.
And it hurts so bad, gotta search my skin. For the entry point, of love within.


Me too Demetria, me too..


yep, det skulle inte förvåna mig om exakt det här har hänt Matilda.. Inte alls faktiskt. Inte alls..

helt klart jag


Det kan vara pga det faktum att vi är trötta men vi skrattar som fan åt den här!
Skitkul, hahaha.. Ja, Matilda provar mina mascaror och jag letar bilder på Tumblr och dricker julmust #goodlife

my dearest kurt

Make me a promise?

Make me a promise ?
In 2012, promise me that you won't lose yourself. Change yourself. Hate yourself.
Make me a promise ?
In 2012, promise me that you'll tune out society. And listen to yourself. You're beautiful.
Make me a promise ?
In 2012, you'll at least try to smile everyday, and treat everyone as equals. Don't judge.
Make me a promise ?
In 2012, promise me that you won't cut, starve yourself or hurt yourself. Please.
Make me a promise ?
Promise me, that this year, you'll at least try.
Make me a promise ?
In 2012, promise me that you won't lose yourself. Change yourself. Hate yourself.
Make me a promise ?
In 2012, promise me that you'll tune out society. And listen to yourself. You're beautiful.
Make me a promise ?
In 2012, you'll at least try to smile everyday, and treat everyone as equals. Don't judge.
Make me a promise ?
In 2012, promise me that you won't cut, starve yourself or hurt yourself. Please.
Make me a promise ?
Promise me, that this year, you'll at least try.


Nåväl, ska sluta för ikväll nu, borde sova..

Her smile ♥
Vet att jag totalt har hamnat off track med den här bloggen men ja..
Hennes leende alltså ♥♥

2012, you better be fucking good to me.

No crap om att jag ska förändra mig själv, det är ett nytt år - men inte en ny jag.
Vill man ändra på sig så ska året inte spela någon roll, det går endå.
No bullshit like that. Men jag ska försöka lite hårdare än förra året!

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